Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We-Blog, Tree-Blog

One tree yields about 9,000 sheets of paper. The best way to cut back on our paper use is to go digital. No other online writing tool diminishes our paper-dependency like the web-log or blog.

Join the blogosphere and save a tree.

This presentation will help you set up your own blog for pedagogical and/or professional purposes while saving a few trees in the process. We also will discuss such topics as networking, security and interactivity. Come learn all the benefits (ecological or otherwise) of the blog.

Feel free to check out the resources within the posts and listed along the left of this blog. A SlideShare version of my PowerPoint presentation is below.


  1. Here's a link to my classroom blog: http://classblogmeister.com/blog.php?blogger_id=82875
    And my professional blog:

    Good presentation! I love blogging and so do my students.

  2. Great! Thanks. I'll put you on the blogroll. If it doesn't grow, I'll add you to next year's.
